How to tag people and companies on linkedIn

LinkedIn is a platform that gives a great opportunity to meet potential employers, customers, and business partners, among other uses. Tagging people, organizations and companies on LinkedIn is one strategy for getting their attention.

This social network is best for businesspeople. However, this social media platform is unique in comparison to others like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook. To tag someone in a post on LinkedIn has some really good advantages one would always want to try that out for growth and success.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand that. In this tutorial, you’ll learn everything you need to know about tagging a LinkedIn profile.

Benefits of Tagging on LinkedIn

Tagging on LinkedIn offers several advantages such as making your posts and profile visible and attracting bigger audience. Let’s take a look at some benefits of Tagging on the career platform.

  • It has the potential to create brand awareness on your profile.
  • Tagging on LinkedIn can create traction for your posts and brand.
  • It can also affect your ranking within Linkedin.
  • It can make your posts visible and increase your exposure on the platform.

How to tag a company and people in a linkedin post

People or companies can by tagged on LinkedIn by simply using “@“, then the name of the company or person.

Let’s now dive into the full steps on tagging:

  • Launch the LinkedIn app
  • On your LinkedIn homepage, click “Start a post” or “Comment” at the bottom of someone else’s post.
  • During or after typing what you want to type, type “@” and then begin typing a name you want to tag.
  • You’ll see a list of potential people you can tag or mention.
  • Then click on the name of the person/company you want to mention from the list shown to you and continue typing your message or end it.
  • You can now share the post or comment.

What happens after you tag a company or person on LinkedIn?

Once you’ve added the tag, your network will be alerted to the possibility that your post or comment is of interest to them.

At this point , I am sure you now understand what it means to tag someone or a company on the career network as well as the benefits they provide to users. Kindly share this article to help and assist others on the platform.

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